Topic outline
本课程面向教育技术学专业的硕士和博士研究生,聚焦CS-STEM教育(Computer Science-STEM),尤其是K12阶段,主要研读教育技术领域国际顶级期刊Computers & Education、International Journal of STEM Education、British Journal of Educational Technology、Journal of Computer Assisted Learning、Educational Technology Research and Development等发表的相关最新文章。本课程目标是掌握国际CS-STEM教育领域高水平研究的研究范式和写作方法,包括研究问题的提出,理论框架的构建,研究方法的设计,研究数据的分析,研究结果的讨论,以及研究结论的描述等等。在本课程学习中,学生需要每周独立阅读指定文献。
- 理论框架:Kelley, T.R., Knowles, J.G.(2016). A conceptual framework for integrated STEM education. IJ STEM Ed 3, 11.
- 理论框架:Kelley, T.R., Knowles, J.G.(2016). A conceptual framework for integrated STEM education. IJ STEM Ed 3, 11.
- 文献综述:Darmawansah, D., Hwang, GJ., Chen, MR.A. et al. (2023). Trends and research foci of robotics-based STEM education: a systematic review from diverse angles based on the technology-based learning model. International Journal of STEM Education, 10, 12 .【机器人技术在STEM教育中的作用和研究趋势】
- 文献综述:Ouyang, F., Xu, W. (2024). The effects of educational robotics in STEM education: a multilevel meta-analysis. International Journal of STEM Education, 11, 7.【教育机器人在K-16教育中的总体效果】
- 文献综述(无人机):Yeung, et al. (2024). A systematic review of Drone integrated STEM education at secondary schools(2005-2023): Trends pedagogies, and learning outcomes. Computers & Education.【无人机整合STEM教育在不同学术水平上的应用,特别侧重于中等教育领域】
- 准实验研究:Socratous, C., Ioannou, A. (2021). Structured or unstructured educational robotics curriculum? A study of debugging in block-based programming. Education Tech Research Dev , 69, 3081–3100.【结构化和非结构化教育机器人课程对学生编程错误频率、调试能力和学习参与度的影响】
- 准实验研究:Zhong, BC., & Xia LY. (2022). Effects of new coopetition designs on learning performance in robotics education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 1,(38).【不同合作竞争设计对学生机器人教育中小组内合作和小组间竞争的影响】
- 准实验研究: Sisman,B., Kucuk, S., & Ozcan, N. (2022). Collaborative behavioural patterns of elementary school students working on a robotics project. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,【教育机器人在协作学习中的作用】
- 准实验研究:Zhang, X., Chen, Y., Hu, L., Bao, Y., Tu, Y. F., & Hwang, G. J. (2024). A metaphor-based robot programming approach to facilitating young children’s computational thinking and positive learning behaviors. Computers & Education, 215, 105039. 【本研究提议了基于隐喻的机器人编程方法(metaphor-based robot programming (MRP) approach),探讨此机器人编程方法对学习者编程思维和行为模式的影响】
- 文献综述(幼儿园):Rapti,S., & Sapounidis,T.(2023). “Critical
thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity in kindergarten with
Educational Robotics”: A scoping review (2012–2023) . Computers & Education,210, 104968.
- 准实验研究(出声思维、学术反思、学习表现):Chichekian, T. et al. (2023). Experimenting with computational thinking for knowledge transfer in engineering robotics. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,【虚拟Arduino机器人培养工程类大学生计算思维的应用研究,设计了6个机器人活动】
- 准实验研究(课堂观察、教师访谈、文件/作品):Yang et al. (2023). Artificial intelligence education for young children: A case study of technology-enhanced embodied learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,【在智能代理支持下儿童如何参与人工智能素养活动】
- 准实验研究(调查和访谈):Su, J., & Yang, W. (2024). AI literacy curriculum and its relation to children’s perceptions of robots and attitudes towards engineering and science: An intervention study in early childhood education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40(1), 241–253.【AI素养课程对幼儿园机器人感知和工程、科学的态度】
- 准实验研究(平台监控日志记录学生的屏幕行为;视频编码分析+问卷调查):Sun, D., Boudouaia, A., Zhu, C., & Li, Y. (2024). Would ChatGPT-facilitated programming mode impact college students’ programming behaviors, performances, and perceptions? An empirical study. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21(1), 14.【ChatGPT,编程学习,行为分析,感知,大学生】
- 准实验研究(非参数配对样本检验+访谈):Dai, Y., Lin, Z., Liu, A., & Wang, W. (2024). An embodied, analogical and disruptive approach of AI pedagogy in upper elementary education: An experimental study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 55(1), 417-434.【研究提出了一种具身、类比和颠覆 (EAD) 方法来提高学生对 AI 的理解。研究结果表明,与传统的纯AI直接教学方法相比,EAD 方法在学生理解方面的收益在统计学上更为显著。定性分析显示了EAD方法在支持学生参与、抽象思维和系统思维方面的优势,以及其在认知超载和沟通问题方面的局限性】
- 文献综述:Li, L., Fengchao, Y., & Zhang, E. (2024). A systematic review of learning task design for K-12 AI education: Trends, challenges, and opportunities. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100217. 【K-12人工智能教育学习任务设计,本文献综述的目的是探讨K12 AI教育的现状:话题、教学方法、教学成果】
- 准实验研究(回归分析):Ng, D. T. K., Tan, C. W., & Leung, J. K. L. (2024). Empowering student self‐regulated learning and science education through ChatGPT: A pioneering pilot study. British Journal of Educational Technology.【本实验比较了两种AI(生成式AI和基于规则的AI)在科学教育中对学习者自我调节学习的影响】
- 文献综述:Lo, C. K., Hew, K. F., & Jong, M. S. Y. (2024). The influence of ChatGPT on student engagement: A systematic review and future research agenda. Computers & Education, 105100. 【Chatgpt对学习者学习投入的影响】
- 文献综述:Martin, F., Zhuang, M., & Schaefer, D. (2023). Systematic review of research on artificial intelligence in K-12 education (2017–2022). Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100195. 【AI在K-12教育中的作用和影响】
- 混合研究(观察、访谈、反思日志等质性数据):Falloon, G., Forbes, A., Stevenson, M. et al. (2022). STEM in the Making? Investigating STEM Learning in Junior School Makerspaces. Research in Science Education, 52, 511–537.
- 多层模型分析:Cheng, L. , Antonenko, P. D. , et al. (2020). Exploring the influence of teachers' beliefs and 3D printing integrated STEM instruction on students' STEM motivation. Computers & Education, 103983.
- 准实验研究(三个实验组,前后测+操作日志和作品):Dasgupta, C. , Magana, A. J. , & Vieira, C. . (2019). Investigating the affordances of a CAD enabled learning environment for promoting integrated STEM learning. Computers & Education, 129, 122-142. 【研究了3维空间中的设计对中学生整合性STEM的影响】
- 案例分析(课程设计+课程计划):Fernandez, C., Hochgreb-Haegele, T., Eloy, A., & Blikstein, P. (2024). Making for science: a framework for the design of physical materials for science learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 59-82. 【科学学习中的物理材料设计以及其与学生认知能动性之间的关系】
- 实验研究(独立样本t检验+相关性分析):Davis, R. L., Schneider, B., Rosenbaum, L. F., & Blikstein, P. (2024). Hands-on tasks make learning visible: a learning analytics lens on the development of mechanistic problem-solving expertise in makerspaces. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 109-132. 【研究探讨了高中生学习者参加为期一年的数字制造课程如何影响解决问题的能力】
- 探索性案例研究(exploratory case study):Miliou, O., Adamou, M., Mavri, A., & Ioannou, A. (2024). An exploratory case study of the use of a digital self-assessment tool of 21st-century skills in makerspace contexts. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 239-260.【创客空间中使用数字自我评估工具】
- 案例分析(作品+访谈):Axelrod, D., & Kahn, J. (2023). “Then you go to snap”: Multimodal making of digital comics in a language arts high school classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 41-57. 【跨学科课堂设计】
- 案例分析(采访):Chen, O., Campos, F. & Bergner, Y. (2024). A Makerspace walks into a high-school: a case study of the micropolitics of school reform. Education Tech Research Dev 72, 385–403.【本研究采访了学校校长和教师,调查了他们对创客教育改革的想法和动力,以及创客教育带来的改变】
- 社评:Ioannou, A., Gravel, B.E. (2024). Trends, tensions, and futures of maker education research: a 2025 vision for STEM+ disciplinary and transdisciplinary spaces for learning through making. Education Tech Research Dev 72, 1–14 (2024). 【概述当下的创客教育研究,揭示挑战以及未来的策略】
性别差异(元分析):Yu, W. et al. (2023). Interventions for gender equality in STEM education: A meta-analysis. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning .
- 单组准实验研究(PLS结构方程模型):Lai, C. F., Zhong, H. X., & Chiu, P. S. (2021). Investigating the impact of a flipped programming course using the DT-CDIO approach. Computers & Education, 173, 104287.【将设计思维与CDIO相结合,应用于翻转编程课堂中,并分析了心流体验、计算思维以及认知负荷的关系】
- 准实验研究(量化和开放问题):Lai, CF., Zhong, HX., Chang, JH. et al. (2022). Applying the DT-CDIO engineering design model in a flipped learning programming course. Education Tech Research Dev 70, 823–847.【将设计思维与CDIO相结合并应用于Web编程课程的翻转课堂教学中,分析了对学生计算思维能力和学习成绩的影响。】
- 准实验研究(重复测量方差分析、认知网络分析):Xi, FF., Ma, HL.*(马红亮), Pi, ZL. et al. (2024). Integrating the engineering design process into the conceive-design-implement-operate model for promoting high school students’ STEM competence. Educational Technology Research and Development. 【将CDIO与工程设计相结合,研讨了该教学模式对高中生STEM能力的影响】
- 质性多个案研究(焦点小组访谈+小组录像+定量前后测+日志绘画分析):Hsu, P. S., Lee, E. M., & Smith, T. J. (2024). Exploring non-dominant youths' engineering identity through productive struggle in a making summer program. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 83-107. 【以15名中学生为期1周的暑期创客夏令营活动为个案,分析了其中的富有成效的努力如何对学习者对工程认同产生影响】
- 调查研究(结构方程模型PLS):TKu, CJ., Hsu, YS., Chang, MC. et al. (2022). A model for examining middle school students’ STEM integration behavior in a national technology competition. International Journal of STEM Education, 9, 3. 【创客类STEM综合】
- 自然主义观察法(naturalistic observational methods):Kim, S. H., & Simpson, A. (2024). Parents' epistemic supports during home-based engineering design tasks: opportunities and tensions through the use of technology. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 209-238.【研究以引导参与的概念为基础,将工程学习和创客学习通过多种互动共同构建】
- 案例分析:Thompson, N. (2023). Weaving in: shifts in youth mathematical engagement through weaving. Educational Technology Research and Development, 72, 15-39. 【在数学课堂中引入编织活动来促进数学学习】
- 准实验研究:Petrie, P. (2022). Programming music with Sonic Pi promotes positive attitudes for beginners. Computers & Education,179, 104409. 【编程+音乐】
- 准实验研究:Hu,C. , Yeh, H. , & C. N. (2020). Enhancing STEM competence by making electronic musical pencil for non-engineering students. Computers & Education, 150. 【针对英语专业大学生的准实验研究,让学生做电子音乐笔,将能力框架KSA和布鲁姆目标分类结合在一起,测量学生的STEM能力】
- 准实验研究:Petrie, P. (2022). Programming music with Sonic Pi promotes positive attitudes for beginners. Computers & Education,179, 104409. 【编程+音乐】